2016 news

Congrats, Anna!


Congrats to Anna Pruitt for graduating with her Master's!

Thesis Defended!


Congrats to Anna Smith for successfully defending her thesis!

EcoLab in Atlanta


Jack, Anna, and Joy present at the American Evaluation Conference in Atlanta, GA!

Way to go, EcoLab!


Shoutout to Joy Agner for helping organize the International Conference on Healthy and Resilient Aging in Honolulu! And to Jack for presenting his paper: "Understanding the Development of Multiple Chronic Conditions in Older Adults Using Latent Class Analysis"!

In the Newsletter!


Check out the coverage of the PhotoVOICE project and exhibit in the Fall 2016 Psych Graduate Student Newsletter!

EcoLab at H-PEA


Jack Barile, Stevy Scarbrough, and Anna Smith presented demonstrations at the 2016 HPEA Conference in Kaneohe, HI! Jack presents: "When it Works for Some: How to Use Statistical Methodologies to Help Identify Moderators of Program Effects" and Stevy Scarbrough and Anna Smith present "Using Photovoice in Program Evaluation".

Jack on the Radio!


Dr. Jack Barile joins "The Conversation" on Hawaii Public Radio to discuss results from the first year evaluation report of Housing First. Listen here.

Photovoice News


Check out this article on UH news regarding our evaluation report on Housing First and the Photovoice project!! And this segment on Hawaii News Now and another segment on KFVE.

In the Local News


Jack & Anna's Photovoice project & report made it in the Star Advertiser! See article here.

Photovoice Exhibit


Tonight was the opening reception for the art exhibit featuring work from our Photovoice group with IHS Housing First clients! A collaborative effort with IHS, the City, and the College of Social Sciences, the reception took place at Honolulu Hale and featured remarks from the mayor, the dean of the College of Social Science, IHS Chaplain Terry Ogawa, Dr. Jack Barile, Anna Smith, and two of our client photographers! Thanks to everyone who made this event possible! Please check out the exhibit, which will be up through July 19th in the Honolulu Hale Courtyard. See KITV news coverage here.

EcoLab Publication


Dr. Jack Barile and Anna Smith's article, "Our Theories Are Only as Good as Our Methods" was published in The Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. Check it out here!

Joy in San Fran


Joy Agner presented her and Jack's poster, "Proxy Versus Self-report: Assessing Health-related Quality of Life and Functional Status in Older Adults" at the Society for Prevention Research 24th Annual Meeting in San Fran!

EcoLab Featured


Check out the spotlight on EcoLab in the summer edition of the Psych Graduate Student Newsletter!

Congrats, Stevy!


Stevy Scarbrough graduated with her Master's. Congrats, Stevy!

Eco Party!


The Eco-Lab had a fun end-of-the-semester pau hana at Himalayan Kitchen! Thanks, everyone, for a fun (and productive) semester!

Research Funded


Congrats to Anna Smith for receiving GSO funding to travel to South Carolina to conduct a pilot study with farmers affected by the 2015 flood!

Stevy Defends!


Congratulations to lab member, Stevy Scarbrough, for successfully defending her thesis on the relationship between cultural/ethnic identity and perceptions of wellness! Yay Stevy! Now onward to your PhD! :)

Joy Presents!


Joy Agner presented her poster, "Re-thinking Inclusion: Intersections with Culture, Stigma and Accessibility", at the 32nd Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity in Honolulu!

Congrats, Anna!


Congrats to Anna Smith for successfully proposing her thesis!

Jack on the Radio


Dr. Jack Barile joined Hawaii Public Radio's "The Conversation" to discuss the Housing First evaluation report. Listen here.