2018 news
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays from the EcoLab and our "Eco Tree"!
Photovoice 2.0 on Display
The Housing First Photovoice 2.0 exhibit is on display until 1/11/19 at the Hamilton Library Bridge Gallery. The photographs are from the follow-up to the 2016 Photovocie project. Check out Anna's, Eva's, and HF clients' work!
Mahalo, Eva!
Eva leaves us today for her next adventure. Mahalo to her for her hard work. Aloha, a hui hou!
CSS Video Features Anna
Anna is one of the graduate stduents featured in the College of Social Sciences's promotional video. Check it out here.
Lab Party at Magic Island
The EcolabSTARs celebrated the end-of-the-semester, the holidays, and Eva's hard work Sunday at Magic Island. Thanks for a great semester, everyone!
EcoLab in UH News
UH News features the Housing First Photovoice 1.0 Exhibit. The exhibit featured photos by Housing First clients and staff exploring experiences with homelessness & housing. These photos were taken as part of a research project conducted by EcoLab members. See article here. *Note re: article title: Client photographers are not homeless.
Photovoice Exhibit
Stop by the UHM Hamilton Library through December 11th to see the original Housing First Photovoice Exhibit. The exhibit will feature photographs taken by clients in the City & County of Honolulu’s Housing First program as part of a collaborative Photovoice project between Jack, Anna, IHS, and clients in 2016. More details can be found here.
Devin Recognized
Devin is recognized at APHA as winner of the David Rosenstein Award for Best Student Abstract for the HIV section at APHA. Yay Devin!
Ecolab at APHA
Jack presents his work with Devin, Anna, and partners at JABSOM: "Quality of Life of People Living with HIV and Fallen out of Care: A Need for Reengagement" at the APHA conference in San Diego!
Jack on ThinkTechHawaii
Check out Jack's segment on ThinkTechHawaii's Likable Science: https://thinktechhawaii.com/improving-the-lives-of-hawaiis-most-marginalized-likable-science/
Dean's Hour Talk
Ecolab members present "Improving the Lives of Hawaii's Most Marginalized" at the Dean's Hour talk. Jack, Sophie, Joy, and community partner, Heather Lusk discussed some of our projects working with marginalized groups.
Ecolab va a Chile!
Anna Pruitt presents her work with Jack Barile, Joy Agner, and Celina Herrera at the International Conference on Community Psychology in Santiago, Chile! Check out the presentation: "Representation of Marginalized Groups in Academic Research: The Emancipatory Potential of Co-Authorship with Housing First Clients."
H-PEA Award Winners!
Congratulations to Shoshana Cohen for winning first place in the H-PEA Poster Contest for her poster with Eva McKinsey, Gianni Marabella, and Anna Pruitt on taking a the "'Ohana Approach" to evaluation of programs in HI!
Ecolab at H-PEA
Ecolab members present at the 2018 Hawaiʻi-Pacific Evaluation Association Conference. Jack presents "Leveraging Collaborative Evaluations to Meet Academic and Community Needs" at the Ignite session and Shoshana presents her poster on "The 'Ohana Approach."
Survey is up!
Anna launches her dissertation survey on media and homelessness in Honolulu! Take the survey here: https://tinyurl.com/honoluluhomeless
Upcoming Presentation
Jack, Joy, Sophie, Devin, and community partner Heather Lusk will be presenting on community-lab projects at the Dean's Hour on Oct 9 at 730-830am at the Pacific Club. The presentation is titled: "Improving the Lives of Hawaii's Most Marginalized."
Congrats, Stevy!
Congrats to Stevy for a successful dissertation proposal! Well done!
Best Student Abstract!
Congratulations, Devin Barney for winning the HIV AIDS David Rosenstein Student Award for best student APHA abstract! APHA is a huge, competitive conference (over 12,000 attendees), it is a great honor! The presentation will be November 14 at the APHA Conference in San Diego.
Devin Presents at APA
Devin Barney presents his poster, "Approaches to HIV Treatment Re-Engagement and Engaging Systems of Care," co-authored with Anna Pruitt, Joy Agner, and Jack Barile at the APA 2018 Convention in San Francisco!
Anna Presents at APS
Anna Pruitt presents her, Jack, and Evan's poster, "Social Support Mediates Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Depression: But Context Matters" at the Association for Psychological Sciences 2018 Convention in San Francisco.
Joy is elected SCRA Rep!
Congratulations to Joy Agner who was just elected as the Society for Community Research and Action National Student Representative!
EcoLab at Moku
Ecolabb-ers and associates celebrate the end of the semester at Moku Kitchen! :)
Congrats, Joy & Anna!
Congrats to Joy Agner and Anna Pruitt for being recognized with the Graduate Student Merit Award recognizing outstanding research accomplishments of psychology graduate students at UH Mānoa.
Congrats, Joy!
Congrats to Joy Agner for successfully defending her thesis!
Ecolab at Honolulu Hale
Joy Agner, Nikolas Herrera, Adriana Botero, Tiffany Cha, Deion Anunciacion, and Clubhouse members are presenting results from the Clubhouse Photovoice project at Mental Health Awareness Day at Honolulu Hale, March 29 from 10am-2pm. Stop by and see what they've been up to!
Congrats, Anna!
Anna Pruitt successfully proposes her dissertation!
Way to go Anna!!
Another Publication!
Jack and Anna's article "A latent class analysis of self-identified reasons for experiencing homelessness: Opportunities for prevention" is accepted for publication in the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology!
Article Published in AJCP
Anna and Jack's article with members of the Housing First Photovoice Community Group is published in the American Journal of Community Psychology. The article, "Housing First and Photovoice: Transforming lives, communities, and systems," is available for early view here.